- Box Office
German-Speaking Box Office August 16, 2022
German humor rules the chart again. Jordan Peele breaks into the top ten. And not much else changes as the summer winds down.
Germany’s number one film is – once again – Guglhupfgeschwader rules the box office on a sleepy three-day-holiday weekend with a new heat wave keeping audiences out of theaters. This is why studios have only released one new film in this region this week, Nope, which, by all accounts was expected to do better than to debut at number six.
But first things first. The top five saw no changes: Minions 2 – Auf der Suche nach dem Mini Boss (Minions 2 – In Search for the Mini-Boss) is still in second place, Brad Pitt keeps his steady speed in third with Bullet Train, Thor: Love and Thunder and Top Gun: Maverick switched it up again with the Tom Cruise starrer in fourth and Chris Hemsworth fighting ion fifth place.
Jordan Peele’s sci-fi/horror film Nope was a big hope for a shakeup in the charts but underperformed by entering in the sixth spot. The story about siblings experiencing terrible occurrences on a ranch in the middle of nowhere could still climb in the coming weeks. It stars Daniel Kaluuya as OJ and 2022 breakout star Keke Palmer as his sister Emerald as the inheritors of a horse farm. The two rent out their animals for Hollywood movies. After the unexpected death of their father, they partner with their neighbor Ricky “Jupe“ Park (Steven Yeun), a former child actor. Horrible weather scares the horses and shocking, otherworldly phenomena occur. Nope – the letters, fans have assumed, stand for “Not of Planet Earth” – is the third film from the mind of Jordan Peele who won an Oscar for Best Screenplay for his hugely successful Get Out.
The downslide continues for DC League of Super-Pets, which made it only into the seventh spot in its third week, while the beloved French comedy Monsieur Claude und sein grosses Fest (Monsieur Claude and his big Party) held steady in number eight, and Jurassic World: Ein Neues Zeitalter (Jurassic World: Dominion) and Bibi und Tina – Einfach Anders (Bibi and Tina – Simply Different) round out the top ten. That means that Elvis is out of the charts.
Austria resembles its neighboring country for the most part with two big differences: the British comedy The Owners is still a fan favorite. In the tradition of Arsenic and Old Lace, the story of two old ladies who divert the sinister plans of a bunch of amateur robbers delights audiences. Corsage, about the Austrian Empress Elisabeth is also still going strong. And the arthouse crowd continues to flock to see Antonio Banderas and Penélope Cruz in Der Beste Film Aller Zeiten (Official Competition aka Competencia Oficial), keeping all three films in the top ten at the expense of Bibi und Tina – Einfach Anders (Bibi and Tina – Simply Different), Elvis and Jurassic World: Ein Neues Zeitalter (Jurassic World: Dominion). Other than that, the biggest summer blockbusters remain Minions 2 – Auf der Suche nach dem Mini Boss (Minions 2 – In Search for the Mini Boss), the newly released Bullet Train, Thor: Love and Thunder and Top Gun: Maverick, with Monsieur Claude und sein grosses Fest (Monsieur Claude and his big Party) crashing the US-made film party.