Bobby is a 2006 American drama film written and directed by Emilio Estevez. The screenplay is a fictionalized account of the hours leading up to the June 5, 1968 shooting of United States Senator from New York and former U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy in the kitchen of The Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles and 22 people in the hotel whose lives were never the same, following his win in the California Democratic Party primary for the 1968 Presidential Election.
Role | Credit |
Producer: | Anthony Hopkins , John Ridley , Edward Bass , Michel Litvak , Holly Wiersma |
Composer, Song: | Bryan Adams , Eliot Kennedy , Andrea Remanda |
Lyrics, Song: | Bryan Adams , Eliot Kennedy , Andrea Remanda |
Cast: | Laurence Fishburne , Anthony Hopkins , Helen Hunt , William Macy , Demi Moore , Martin Sheen , Christian Slater , Sharon Stone |
Golden Globe Awards
2007 NomineeBest Original Song - Motion Picture
2007 NomineeBest Motion Picture - Drama