- Music
On Music: For Sandra Bullock, it Skipped a Generation
Golden Globe winner Sandra Bullock plays Danny Ocean’s (George Clooney) sister in Ocean’s 8 the film that is becoming an international hit. Her mother was a German opera singer and we asked her if music helped her also as an actress.
“Constantly. I have an imagination that always has a soundtrack to it. I get up in the morning with songs and even in Ocean’s — there is an energy and there is a rhythm to the Ocean’s movies. And I would have to find walking, what is the strut and there was always that drum, that sort of steel drum percussion that goes (does a swing beat) and I would literally have it in my head and it would just slow me down. And growing up in such a musical family, everything that I do in life has a musical overtone to it, everything. It’s abundant in our household. There are kids singing all day and when they say it skips a generation, it skipped me and landed on my children. They play drums and piano and trumpet, just whatever they pick up, they are fearless with music. So I am lucky, I am lucky that we get to live a life like that. But everything I do is musical I feel.”