“As long as I can remember I have lived by my own rules. Because of poor attendance I was expelled from high school before graduation. It was then that I moved out of my parents home.

Charlie Sheen
I was gonna be a baseball player, and I couldn’t see the relationship between going to school and playing baseball. I stopped speaking to my father.
We had a very tough time between my ages of sixteen and eighteen, but we haven’t had any major problems since. We don’t have a typical father-son relationship, we’re more like buddies. I can talk to him like a friend, a brother. He always said he would support me, even if I wanted to be a janitor.
There was no pressure to become an actor, but when I decided to make the jump he was very supportive. He just said, “Be honest, and don’t look over your shoulder.”
Oliver Stone and I were still in the Phillippines when he offered me his next picture, either Second Life, which would bring back the character I was playing in Platoon, or an epic fictional tale about Wall Street.
I signed a napkin, saying that based on market price and availability, I would do his next film. After I finished my next movie, I flew to New York. I had to read the Wall Street script on the plane and give Oliver an answer when I got there.
When I got to page 85, I found that was all he had given me. I didn’t have the ending, but when I saw Oliver I was very excited.
I said, “Yes, great, let’s do it.” And he said, “Well, I’m not sure if I’m gonna use you.” To which I replied, “Well okay, I tell you what. Why don’t you let me finish reading the script, and I’ll decide if I want to do it.” “