- Interviews
Eric Newman: ‘The war on drugs is never really near an end’
"Times New Roman",serif’>I am surprised certainly, but I am also horrified that this drug war has gone on for so long. It has created so many villains and victims and I suppose the thing that I always come back to, which is very much in the theme of the show, is that we are getting nowhere. It’s a very good question and I think it really speaks to the circular nature of this endeavor that we call the war on drugs, it never really nears an end, it just continues. And I think that is something that I always find shocking when I contemplate it and yet it also makes perfect sense when I look at how we are waging this war.
"Times New Roman",serif’>I think so, I hope so. (laughter)
"Times New Roman",serif’>Everything ends badly. I think that in the early days, people wondered if we were glorifying drug dealers and I think it’s actually impossible. If you are paying attention to the show, I think it’s impossible to say that. And this season more than any other, I don’t think there’s anybody with aspirations about being Felix Gallardo anymore. I don’t think anyone would want to be Felix Gallardo, in the same way, that I don’t think anyone would want to be Pablo Escobar in Season Two of Narcos. The ending is always the same, it just depends on how bloody it is. But it ends in defeat.
Can you tell me why you were fascinated by this subject and how has your life changed since you started the show?
There is a lot of work to find this history that is not in the official books. Can you talk about finding out what happened in telling this different history?
"Times New Roman",serif’>Well you know I was very inspired when I was a kid by two books that offered sort of a new approach to American history, one is In fact, if you are a believer as I am that history is written by the victors, there is always a friendly narrative towards the guys who won, the guys who conquered, it’s always that way. And then there was a book by Alan Moore called Brought to Light, Alan Moore of Watchmen and Swamp Thing. He’s spectacular, I suppose he is a graphic novelist. He did a two-volume book called Brought to Light, about the CIA and drug smuggling and arms deals in Latin America,. This was in the late 80s that I read this book or maybe early 90s. And so I have always sought out, to the best of my ability, in any history, the truth. And I think that me and the team, all of whom have been with me since the beginning, what we do is we seek out, okay here’s what this guy is saying, here’s what this person is saying, but here’s what we believe the truth to be. And sometimes we have to dig deeper than other times, sometimes it becomes immediately apparent, and other times it takes a while to dig it up. But that’s what’s been so fun about this job. It’s an incredibly hard job being a showrunner because it is brutal, it is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week under harsh delivery deadlines and just the management of all the personalities. But the thing that allows me to do it is the thing that you are talking about, which is this, being able to search for some truth. I love that part of it. I love the research, I love being able to examine things that we take for granted and we come to believe are true and then learn they are not true. And I love that about our show and I’m glad that that comes across.When I saw the scene of the Salinas de Gortari brothers as children I thought you guys went mad and then I found out it turned out to be absolutely true.
"Times New Roman",serif’>It happened. I call it the Wikipedia factor on our show, where you see something, you hit pause, hopefully, you wait until the episode is over, but say you don’t, you hit pause, you go to your computer, you go to Wikipedia, and you can’t believe that the Salinas Brothers killed their housekeeper or that Pablo Escobar blew up an airplane. For the most part, the events are all true and real and they all happened. And sometimes we take some liberties with where the timeline, but we are pretty much spot on when it comes to stuff like that. So I mean they are sort of amazing things like the Salinas Brothers accident, truly amazing. Another thing that was great about this season was, while we were doing it, we watched So it kind of lent this, oh yeah this stuff is all real, this is all happening and here we are 30 years later and people are just getting to the bottom of it. It’s spectacular sort of phenomenal tricks these guys pulled that they are only now, outside of Mexico being exposed for what they were.You are also giving a lot of opportunities to amazing actors that the world audience has never seen them work so much as they do in your show. And you went out of your way, hiring actors like Ernesto Alterio from Spain or Matias Varela from Sweden.
"Times New Roman",serif’>I am a fan of movies and television. And to have seen I love global cinema and global television and so that is another part of the show that is so fun, to be able to go and do this."Times New Roman",serif’>It is a complicated proposition of course, but in execution, it was quite easy. We had the right people, the Colombian crews and the Mexican crews are spectacular, I would say the fear and the anticipation of problems far outweighed the actual problems we had, it continues, Colombia was an amazing place to work and Mexico continues to be an amazing place to work.
"Times New Roman",serif’>Unfortunately, the drug war is going to continue for a long time, with no sign of stopping, so there’s no shortage of material. We are looking, we are always thinking ahead, where does this story go, the Chapo story is an exciting one. But again, like everything else we’ve learned, the story that we are told is in my opinion, not the actual story. There’s a lot more to the Chapo story than I think anyone knows.
"Times New Roman",serif’>Yes, I would very much like that and I do see myself continuing to swim in this pond, as long as they will let me.