82nd Annual Golden Globes® LIVE COVERAGE.
  • HFPA


Geraldine Chaplin

One of a series of actors’ reminiscences edited by Jack Tewkesbury.


My  father  Charlie Chaplin was  used  to  the  Southern California  climate  and  hated  the  cold.  He’d  say, “It’s so  cold  here in Switzerland  you  have  put   food  in  the refrigerator  to  warm  it  up.” Once  he  and  I went  to an  exhibition  by  Matisse  in  Paris.  He  was  looking  at  the  extraordinary  paintings, and  suddenly  he  got  very  depressed  and  said,  “I  used  to be  famous,  too. ” Then  he  looked  around  and  added, “I used  to  be  well  known.”
Little  by  little, people  started  looking  at  him. They  said, “Charles,” and  they  came  up  and  asked  for  his  autograph  and  then  he  started saying, “Yes,  he’s  not  a  bad painter.”
He  was  very, very  insecure, always.  There’s  that  wonderful  story  about  Flaubert.  Apparently  when  he  was  dying he  said, “I’m  dying  and  that  bitch  Madame  Bovary  is going  to  live  forever.”  I suppose  my  father  thought, “Here am  I,  getting  old,  and  that  little  tramp  is  still  doing  gymnastics.”
My  father  was anti-American, but  he didn’t try  to impose his  ideas  on  us, certainly  not his  political ideas  or  religious  ones. He was  an  atheist,  yet  he  sent me  to  Catholic  school. He  gave  us  all  a  choice. He  was  bitter about America although  he  wouldn’t  admit  it. He  kept  saying, “I  don’t want  to  go  back  there,” but  I’m  sure  he  did.  Anyhow, no way  he  could.  He  had  a  British  passport.  America, at  that time, would  not  issue  him  a  visa.
We  were  going  to Japan  once, and  when  the plane  came down  at  Anchorage  and  everyone  had  to  get  off , he  refused.  “I’m  staying  right  here.” And  he  sat  down  and  wouldn’t  get  off  the  plane. Finally they  carried  him  off  and  he  said, “Oh  well, it  will be  nice to  have an American  cup of coffee,” which  seemed  strange. Nobody  longs  for  an  American  cup  of  coffee!