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Hero Moment-Comic-Con 2017: Josh Holloway on ‘Colony’, Walls ….and Cake

“We left the block and we are out and about,” reveals Josh Holloway, talking to the HFPA at Comic Con 2017 about Season 3 of this hit show Colony. “Will has been doing nothing but every waking moment thinking how to get his family back together and save his children.” Breaking into his trademark broad smile, he exhales his excitement. “Finally, the family is back together.”

For the past two seasons, audiences have been taken to the dystopian future where the Colony Transportation Authority, an extraterrestrial invading force known as the “Hosts” has built a large wall around the core of Los Angeles, disbanding all levels of government and law enforcement, creating an elevated class structure that earns its rewards for keeping their fellow humans in line. But as a resistance arises, it soon pits family against family, none more intense than the Bowman family.

One might think that all the political discussion dominating the news cycle about walls and borders could be a construed as a perfect marketing tool for the show, but Holloway throws up his hands in confession.

“It’s not our fault,” he laughs. “It is quite timely that we are talking about occupation and colonization and the changing of leadership and how certain unqualified government officials have been in places that they should not be. But honestly, it is just a subject that is on people’s minds. Everyone is questioning everything now so in a way, our show is very current.”

Speaking of things current, our interview happened to coincide with Holloway’s 48th birthday and when a chocolate cake appeared, the actor, much like his character Will, had a slight problem with resistance.