82nd Annual Golden Globes® LIVE COVERAGE.
  • HFPA

HFPA Adopts New Code of Conduct

As we work to fully implement the reforms the HFPA has committed to, we will update this website with all changes as they are adopted.

On Thursday, May 20, the members of the HFPA overwhelmingly approved a Code of Professional and Ethical Conduct, setting forth the values, expectations, and standards of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association that are essential to achieving our shared mission and goals. Our updated Code is attached and will be publicly available on our site and can be downloaded here.

This is an overarching, living document meant to evolve as we move forward with our reform plan and as we continue to elicit feedback from interested outside parties. As we finalize details on press conferences, gifts, and other policies, we will continue to add and update our Code.  As set forth in our detailed May 10th timeline, we plan to release those policies in the coming weeks.

We want to be clear that a fundamental pillar of our reform plan is accountability. The HFPA condemns any and all forms of harassment, discrimination and abuse. Such behavior is unacceptable and disciplinary action will be taken for violations of our new Code. All members – both new and old – will be expected to follow this new code of conduct and will be held accountable if they do not. 

We have been troubled by reports that certain members have engaged in unacceptable behavior in the past, and we are deeply committed to ensuring that it does not happen again and that interactions with the HFPA and its members embody mutual respect.  Our new code of conduct, and the policies that will be released in coming weeks, are designed to achieve that fundamental and necessary objective.