82nd Annual Golden Globes® LIVE COVERAGE.
  • HFPA

HFPA’s Golden Globe Awards lecture in Uruguay

 HFPA member Erkki Kanto gave the directors and producers attending the 31st International Film Festival of Uruguay a special lecture on the Annual Golden Globe Awards. A selection of 20 attendees, movie makers from various countries, had numerous enthusiastic questions about submitting their films to the annual awards. The event concluded with an HFPA-hosted Uruguayan lunch.


        Estimados, Erkki Kanto, miembro de The Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA), invita a directores y productores que participan del 31º Festival Cinematográfico Internacional del Uruguay a una presentación informativa sobre cómo aplicar para la categoría de Film Extranjero de los Premios Golden Globes. La cita es este viernes 5 de abril a las 10.30 hrs en Madredeus, Acevedo Diaz 1156 esquina Canelones. Luego de la charla compartiremos un almuerzo.  Saludos,
Magela Richero
31ºFestival Cinematográfico del Uruguay

Erkki Kanto with some of the attendees of the Golden Globe Awards lecture and lunch.

Erkki Kanto with some of the attendees of the Golden Globe Awards lecture and lunch.