Meet Miss Golden Globe 2011, Gia Mantegna
DO YOU RECALL AN ENDEARING HOLLYWOOD STORY INVOLVING YOUR FATER, JOE MANTEGNA? GM: “What’s funny is that my father often plays the villain like myself. I don’tknow what it is. Maybe the Italian in me, or the dark hair (laughs).”
WHAT IS ONE OF YOUR FATHER’S FAVORITE PERFORMANCES AS A ACTOR? GM: “A lot of the roles that he has portrayed, I was too young to watch any of hisfilms. I was maybe six or seven, and there were things that weren’t appropriatefor my age. My father has this huge career, but half of it I haven’t even seenmyself. But the work that I have seen of his, of course I appreciate it, and I lookup to him, and my mother, so much. Now, I watch his show ‘Criminal Minds.’And I have been fortunate enough to do a guest spot on that, and I had a greattime. Unfortunately, we didn’t have any scenes together. I have definitely grownup seeing my father just as my father, and not as the actor. I feel I have lived anaverage life like every other teenager out there. I feel very blessed my parentshave raised me the way they have.”
WAS HE HAPPY OR SHOCKED THAT YOU WANTED TO FOLLOW IN HIS FOOTSTEPS? GM: “He didn’t have much of an opinion. He was very much like, ‘You knowwhat? If it makes you happy, do it!’ And my mother said the same thing. It wasnever a push or pull. As long as I focused on my school work, they were verysupportive. But it was pretty much on my effort. They didn’t want me to feel likeI had any special treatment just because I was the daughter of an actor. Sure,my father may have gotten me in the door, but that’s not keeping me in the door.Whether this is really something I want to do, that’s up to me. And I’ve had agreat time exploring all the different roles.”
WHEN DID YOU DECIDE ACTING WAS YOUR ULTIMATE DESTINATION? GM: “I started in theater at a really young age. It was just something I wanted todo. I was a very outgoing person, this very goofy, silly girl. Always trying to makeeveryone laugh. I was a total ham. And acting was just another outlet to expressmyself, try new things and enjoy it. Now, it has become a way to escape my lifeand portray other roles. I knew I wanted to do something creative. I love doingphotography. Anything that’s creative and in the arts I really appreciate. I tookballet for eight years, so I’m also a dancer.”