Most actors who go through an intensive training regimen to build muscles and sculpt their bodies for a role are proud of the end result; they happily pose shirtless to show off their newly-defined abs and boast of the hard work that went into achieving them. Not Ryan Gosling. Instead, the unassuming Golden Globe-nominated actor views his bulked-up body with embarrassment. “Muscles are pointless,” he told HFPA members when he met them in New York. “They don’t do anything, they just help you lift something heavy. They’re not practical and they’re a bit like pets because you have to feed them and pet them and think about them and when you don’t pay attention to them, they just go away. They’re just these weird things that sit under your skin that don’t do anything. What’s the point in having them?’ Ryan, 30, is even dismissive of the work that went into building them. “It was just a lot of exercising—anybody could do it. It’s easy when you’re an actor because you have the time and they give you a team of people to help you.” The actor, who was Golden Globe-nominated for Blue Valentine, developed the muscles for his role as a slick womanizer who teaches Steve Carell’s character how to pick up women in the romantic comedy Crazy Stupid Love. He also has two other movies due out soon—- Drive, about a Hollywood stunt man who moonlights as a getaway car driver, and The Ides of March, in which he plays a rising politician’s communications director in the political drama directed and produced by George Clooney.