- Music
On Music: Angela Lansbury, a Classic Lady
A six-time Golden Globe winner, English-born actress Angela Lansbury had a long and successful career in film and television, but it was the singing and dancing on stage that built her fan base. Did she ever use music to get into character?
“To be honest, no, I don’t think I have ever used it. But that doesn’t mean that there is not a lot of music in me. I don’t know how to say this exactly, but it’s not a case of listening to music, it’s a feeling that certain characters have certain music in them somewhere in their minds. And music is very important to me, it has always been. As a kid, I played the piano and studied the piano and I sang. As you know, I have had a whole career of singing in the theater doing a lot of musical work on the stage. And music is huge. I used to listen to a tremendous amount of serious music and today; it’s not so available anymore. But it’s there, I have the music station and I listen to it and that’s about the only music I listen to – classical music.”