82nd Annual Golden Globes® LIVE COVERAGE.
July 16, 2017 – Hollywood, CA, USA – Daisy Ridley stars in the movie Star Wars (Credit Image: © Armando Gallo via ZUMA Studio)
  • Music

On Music: Daisy Ridley, From Mulan to Tom Waits (and Naps)

25-year-old English actress Daisy Ridley found instant success when she was cast in the breakout role as Rey in the new Star Wars trilogy.  Ever since she has been one of the busiest actresses in the business. With five films awaiting release, she also found time to record “At the Ballet”, a duet with Ann Hathaway, the opening song of the album “Streisand Encore: Movie Partners Sing Broadway”.  Daisy loves music and one of her favorite artists is Tom Waits, she told us when we met recently to discuss Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

“Do you use music to help your acting?”, we asked her.

“I did for The Force Awakens – it was Mulan, I played that soundtrack all the time. I don’t think I did it for The Last Jedi, because I nap all the time…  So essentially we’d cut and I’d be, ok bye guys I’ll take five. And I’d go and have a nap. But then I sing all the time, so essentially I’d sing before everything we were doing. But I couldn’t tell you what I’d be singing, just random things.”