- Music
On Music: Ewan McGregor, Arcade Fire Fan
In the morning before the Los Angeles Premiere of the Disney film Christopher Robin we met Golden Globe winner Ewan McGregor, the star of the movie, a stylish actor born in Scotland and now living in California. During the interview he mentioned music and how much it has affected his life growing up. So we asked him how much it has influenced or helped his acting career.
‘I wanted be an actor from the age of nine, but you couldn’t be an actor at school I went to. We did plays outside of school. There were no drama classes, nothing like that. So my expression was through art and music. Yes, music was huge for me and I think it teaches you. From a very young age I was into music and singing. I sang in the school choir. I did the solo for “Once in Royal David’s City” when I was seven-years-old for the Christmas concert in front of four hundred people or something (he sings it) just shaking with nerves. But it teaches you rhythm. I think good acting is all about rhythm, a good dialogue, good writing is music and in order to give a good performance, for me, you have to be in the scene with another person or even if you’re on your own, there’s a certain music to what you’re doing and a rhythm to it. So I think music taught me a great deal and I still love it. I love playing music and I love seeing music played live. I just saw Arcade Fire who I love. They are amazing live.’