82nd Annual Golden Globes® LIVE COVERAGE.
July 21, 2017 – San Diego, CA, USA – Krysten Ritter stars in the TV Series MARVEL’S THE DEFENDERS and Jessica Jones (Comic Con) (Credit Image: © Armando Gallo via ZUMA Studio)
  • Music

On Music: Krystin Ritter, The War On Drugs’ Biggest Fan

Talented, funny and beautiful, actress Krystin Ritter, aka Jessica Jones, has found time to write a murder mystery novel titled Bonfire. Music is still her favorite pastime, a big fan of the band The War on Drugs, Krystin loves to play music all the time, especially on the Jessica Jones set.

“I date a musician, I always have”, she says, laughing (it’s Adam Granduciel, leader of The War on Drugs ). “I play music, I always have music on and I actually have a new thing on set to keep the energy up, we have like a really fun vibe on our set, so I have a little boom box and I walk onto set with music playing, so we all start the day with high energy and good vibe. That is really important to me. I also make a playlist, like a Jessica Jones playlist, that helps me get into character. I share it with my co-stars and my writers and directors for mood.  And music is a great way for me to access emotions but also share a certain feeling that you sometimes can’t describe with words.”