82nd Annual Golden Globes® LIVE COVERAGE.
November 29, 2017 – Hollywood, California, U.S. – Actress MERYL STREEP promotes movie drama ‘The Post’ In Hollywood. (Credit Image: © Armando Gallo via ZUMA Studio)
  • Music

On Music: Meryl Streep And How She Became Katharine Graham

When we asked our Cecil B. deMille recipient and eight-time Golden Globe winner Meryl Streep if she ever relies on music to get into character, she had a very original way to describe the music that helped her in The Post.

I usually have one piece of music that I listen to over and over. It’s just like a space to enter for each job bu,t in this one, I didn’t do that because I had Katharine Graham’s voice reading her personal history, her autobiography and that was music to me. It was also a way of entering her voice, her head, her heart.  She reads so movingly this story.  Some parts of it are almost unbearable to listen to because she’s so present. When she was with you and had her eyes on you, you were the only person in the world. That particular sense of intimacy – the way she shared herself and her listening self- was something that I could hook into each morning.  It was almost like music because her voice was very distinctive.  It was a way of speaking that very well educated American ladies of a certain class had at that point in time.  Very few people talk like that anymore but it’s distinctive and it has its own musicality.”