82nd Annual Golden Globes® LIVE COVERAGE.
May 19, 2016 – Hollywood, California, U.S. – Anthony Hopkins at 79 years old stars in The Dresser and later this year in 2016 also in movies Westworld, Misconduct, Official Secrets, and Collide. Impressive. (Credit Image: © Armando Gallo/ZUMA Studio)
  • Music

On Music: The Restless Anthony Hopkins

Golden Globe winner Anthony Hopkins loved to play the piano when he was young – he could have become a full-time musician if he didn’t discover a passion for the theater. We asked him if music still influences his acting.

“I listen to music if I am playing a part or preparing a part and I put it in the computer and it can be anything really. I used to play ‘Carmina Burana’ before doing King Lear. And it gave a sense of medieval set in modern.  I write music, I compose music, I play the piano. I think it’s a part of my life. It inspires me because it keeps my brain working and I am very restless and I am all over the place. And I paint and I write and I play the piano, and I am just restless by nature.”