- Music
On Music: Sam Worthington, Getting in the Mood
Aussie star Sam Worthington, currently on US screens with The Shack, based on William P. Young’s best seller, is getting ready to shoot the next installment of Avatar next August. Music helps him get in the mood of his characters:
“I have a very eclectic taste. I like everything from rap to classical, Handel to DMX to Metallica to Hendrix, to the Stones, to Tracy Chapman, you name it, to world music. And I think whenever you are doing a job, music helps you get into the mood. That’s all really acting is -to try and create a reality out of nothing, so music can help on the set. And there are some directors that use it to create the mood of the piece and that is nice.
At home there’s a lot of kids’ nursery rhymes and things like that at the moment. I have two sons, two years old and five months. They win, they have the CD player.”