82nd Annual Golden Globes® LIVE COVERAGE.
  • Industry

PaleyFest 2014

The Paley Center for Media is presenting PaleyfFest at Hollywood’s Dolby Theater. Now in its 30th year, the annual showcase of screenings, panel discussions and wildly popular Q&A sessions with fans has grown into the year’s most prestigious TV appreciation event. The 2-week festival (like the Center) is named after William S Paley the visionary executive who built CBS into a network powerhouse and invented many of television’s modern forms. Even he would have been hard-pressed to imagine the enthusiasm surrounding today’s televised entertainment. Long-form serialized fiction is in its golden age, attracting Hollywood’s best talent behind and in front of the camera and generating an excitement that is palpable with the thousands of fans that pack the Dolby to hear their favorite stars and show runners talk about their shows. We are there to bring you exclusive video of this year’s participants – starting with Orange Is The New Black, the breakout hit form Netflix created by Jenji Kohan (Weeds). Click here to see the exclusive interviews from the cast of Orange is the New Black.

Click here to see the lineup [gallery:3348]