82nd Annual Golden Globes® LIVE COVERAGE.
  • HFPA


Contact: Michael Russell                                               FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
             (310) 939-9024
Hollywood, June 7, 2006 – Philip Berk was re-elected president of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association for the year 2006-2007 at the organization’s annual election meeting.
            A member of the association for 30 years, Berk is serving his sixth term as HFPA president. He is a correspondent for FilmInk (Australia) and Galaxie (Malaysia).
            Mahfouz Doss was re-elected vice president.  Jorge Camara and Meher Tatna were re-elected treasurer and executive secretary, respectively.
            The new Board of Directors is comprised of Yani Begakis (Chairman), Erkki Kanto, Mira Panajotovic, Lorenzo Soria, Armando Gallo and Yoram Kahana (alternate).
            The annual HFPA Installation Luncheon to honor the officers and directors will be held later this summer, at which time the Association makes its annual donations to non-profit organizations and film schools.
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