Australian filmmaker and deep-sea diver Andrew Wight, who met with the HFPA last year to discuss his 3D film Sanctum, has died in a helicopter crash on the south coast of Australia. Wight, 52, worked closely with Oscar-winning director James Cameron, who co-produced Sanctum with him. A shared love of diving led to the friendship between Wight and the director of Titanic and Avatar, and Wight had worked with Cameron on a variety of underwater-related films including Ghosts of the Abyss, Expedition Bismarck, Aliens of the Deep and Last Mysteries of the Titanic in the last decade. Cameron said in a statement: “Andrew was kind and loyal, full of life and a sense of fun, and above all, a careful planner who stressed safety to everyone on his team every single day. It is cruelly ironic that he died flying a helicopter, which was second nature to him like driving a car would be to most people.”