- Festivals
Vintage Cannes: 1984 – Once Upon a Time in the Palais
Tutte buona gente: Joe Pesci, Robert De Niro, Sergio Leone, James Woods, Danny Aiello. This distinguished group of talent was in Cannes with Once Upon A Time in America, which had its worldwide premiere in the Palais. The third film of Leone’s trilogy – Once Upon A Time in the West (1968), and Duck, You Sucker (1971) – a rolling saga of crime and passion in the New York underground would be Leone’s last film – he would die five years later. The Cannes audience received it with open arms, but Stateside the reaction was mixed to cold, with a compact, severely cut version of Leone’s vision on US screens. In 2012, the film was restored to its original version, and only then Leone’s vision received the accolades it deserved.