
  • HFPA

A Good Reason for Hollywood to (Really) Embrace Diversity

More than ten years ago, UCLA’s Entertainment and Media Research Initiative (EMRI) began producing the Hollywood Diversity Report, at first annually then biannually, covering both the film and television sectors. The report – partially funded by Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA) – is unique in that it aims at providing comprehensive data analyses that relate to racial, ethnic, gender, and other forms of diversity in the entertainment industry and audiences.
  • Film

Docs: Arresting, Unique “Scrap” Finds Life in Discarded Objects

If, as psychiatrist Viktor Frankl opined, the meaning of life is to give life meaning, then what of the objects, both big and small, that power our lives but leave behind no small amount of waste? What meaning can be derived in how we treat this material? And what separate meaning, if any, exists in these items themselves? Those are among the questions pondered by Stacey Tenenbaum’s Scrap, an utterly singular and highly ruminative documentary, from First Run Features, now available on DVD and streaming on Amazon and Apple TV. In imaginative fashion, Scrap runs an end-around on more typical environmental nonfiction film posturing.
  • Box Office

Italian Box Office, Week Ending April 10, 2023

The Easter long weekend in Italy (Monday April 10th was also a national holiday) yielded a rich trove of eggs, if not a bonanza, at the Italian box-office, thanks to the animated nuttiness of the Super Mario Bros adaptation into film. Attendance and grosses increased compared to those of last week and doubled compared to those of the same period a year ago: with over 167,000 ticket payers, the USA-Japan co-production Super Mario confirmed its blockbuster status around the world, ripping up its competitors, topping N.
  • Film

Docs: The Dark Side of the World’s Most Beloved Blue Jeans Comes to Light in “RiverBlue”

RiverBlue, an unprecedented documentary, made its mark in 2017 highlighting a powerful question: could fashion possibly save the planet? It portrayed some incredibly stunning, yet at times, shocking images that left us forever changed by the way we look at fashion, and fixated on the impact that the clothes we wear have on our climate and planet. Perhaps the most shocking element in the film is the exposure to the gloomy side of the consumer’s beloved blue jeans.