Michael Haneke
Michael Haneke ( born in Munich, Germany, March 23, 1942) directed movies in German, French and English, like The Seventh Continent (Der siebente Kontinent, 1989), The Piano Teacher (La pianiste, 2001) with Isabelle Uppert, Hidden (Caché, 2005) with Juliette Binoche and Daniel Auteuil, Funny Games (2007) with Naomi Watts, remake of his 1997 Austrian film by the same title, The White Ribbon (Das weiße Band, 2009), Amour (2012) with Jean-Louis Trintignant and Emmanuelle Riva, Happy End (2017) with Isabelle Uppert and Jean-Louis Trintignant.
Golden Globe Awards
2013 WinnerBest Motion Picture – Non-English Language
2010 WinnerBest Motion Picture – Non-English Language