82nd Annual Golden Globes® LIVE COVERAGE.


  • Golden Globe Awards

Martin Scorsese said:

As a tribute to Martin Scorsese on his 80th birthday (November 17, 2022), we explored our extensive archives of exclusive HFPA interviews dating back to 1971 to review what the acclaimed director said in the 1990s about the movies, actors and filmmakers he admired, his contemporaries and his frequent collaborators. The journalists of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association interviewed and photographed Scorsese 15 times from 1976 to 2019, honored him with three Golden Globes as Best Director out of nine nominations, as well as presenting him with the Cecil B.
  • Golden Globe Awards

Steve Carell Turns 60!

By the time Steve Carell’s star turn in The Office came to an end, in 2011, the character-actor-turned-leading-man had already proven his bankability as a movie star with a string of hits including The 40-Year-Old Virgin, Get Smart, Crazy, Stupid, Love, Little Miss Sunshine, and the Anchorman franchise. And then, in a surprising about-face, he swiftly changed tack towards darker fare in films such as 2014’s Foxcatcher, which earned him an Academy Award nomination, and two more in 2018 - Beautiful Boy, in which he played the father of a drug-addicted son, and Vice, in which he portrayed George W.