82nd Annual Golden Globes® LIVE COVERAGE.


  • Festivals

Across The Spectrum: The Sundance Documentaries

Documentaries have, for the most part, replaced ethical journalism. If you read this as a journalist and you are offended, think about this: how often these days are we able to read the real story amidst the headline-grabbing sensationalism, opinionated punditry, and time-restricted blurbs instead of facts researched patiently and well that has replaced straightforward information? Documentary filmmakers have the luxury of time, something that has long been lost in the fast news cycles that cater to and cause attention deficit disorder.
  • Film

“Ennio”: Director Giuseppe Tornatore Honors the Genius of Morricone

Nine-time Golden Globe nominee and three-time winner, the late legendary Italian composer Ennio Morricone is the subject of a documentary directed by Giuseppe Tornatore (Cinema Paradiso) simply entitled Ennio. The film tells of the life and art of one of the greatest film composers of all time, bringing his genius and endearing personality to the audience, spotlighting his humanity and his fascination with the mystery of music.
  • Festivals

Sundance 2022: Music Documentaries Receive Deserving Festival Spotlight

All of us, regardless of age, country of origin, or any number of other characteristics, have had at least one moment in our lives when the simplest expression sang, and in accompaniment with some combination of piano, guitar, bass, or another instrument, landed like an emotional atom bomb, splitting our heart in two. Music, just like cinema, and probably even more so, has the ability to transcend cultures and the borders of nations.