82nd Annual Golden Globes® LIVE COVERAGE.

Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga

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Will Ferrell, Rachel McAdams & Pierce Brosnan on Eurovision

The Eurovision Song Contest the beloved, excessive, outlandish song contest held annually since 1956 ( with the exception of this year's cancelation due to Covid-19) and best known as the launchpad for ABBA's worldwide success, is ripe fodder for Will Ferrell's new Netflix comedy, Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga where Ferrell plays the buffoonish Lars Erickssong, a mediocre Icelandic singer who obsesses about winning Eurovision with his singing partner Sigrit (Rachel McAdams) and yearns to prove his worth to his sour, overbearing father (played by Pierce Brosnan).  With approval from the organizers of Eurovision, the movie directed by Wedding Crashers’ David Dobkin, may lampoon the contest but still manages to pay homage to its odd spectacle.