82nd Annual Golden Globes® LIVE COVERAGE.


  • Interviews

Javier Porta Fouz: “The word ‘pioneer’ fits Jan Oxenberg perfectly”

Although Javier Porta Fouz has been the artistic director of the Buenos Aires Independent Film Festival (Buenos Aires Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente, popularly known as BAFICI) since 2016, his relationship with the festival began much earlier, having programmed 19 of the previous 23 editions. In a rare moment of calm in the days before the festival, which takes place this year from April 20 to May 1, Porta Fouz told us about his expectations regarding what will happen in the coming days and what should not be missed.
  • Festivals

The New HFPA Will Make a Splash in Buenos Aires

At the Buenos Aires Independent Film Festival (BAFICI), which returns to the cinemas for its 23rd edition which runs from April 19 to May 1, 2022, the HFPA will hold several events that will highlight its contributions to film restoration and cultural exchange. This year, the Festival will devote a section to screening restored Argentine classics such as Mario Soffici's Prisoners of the Land (1939) and Manuel Antin's The Odd Number (1962), as well as international gems like L'avventura (1960) and Il desserto rosso (1964) from Michelangelo Antonioni, among many others.
  • Festivals

SXSW 2022: The Weirdness Is Back!

After a COVID-19-imposed hiatus in 2020 and 2021, SXSW’s back! Austin’s biggest festival returns with a vengeance – maybe not in size, as the event has been scaled down and mask-wearing and distancing were encouraged – but with an urgency to address social, political, and environmental issues here and now on Earth, out of space, and as Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality (XR Experience). Founded in 1987 to converge the tech, film/TV, music, and gaming industries as well as an expression of all forms of creative and innovative art, this year’s predominant theme of “South By” (as locals, fans, and SXSW pros like to call the festival which runs from March 11-20, 2022) is crypto-mania – with its hype and skepticism alike.