- Interviews
Carla Gugino, Luke Wilson and Cameron Crowe on the Secret Lives of “Roadies”
Showtime’s Roadies takes viewers behind the scene on a rock ‘n roll road tour, pulling back the curtain on the life of the techs that make the giant stadium shows happen. The touring rock milieu is a natural for the show’s creator, director Cameron Crowe who parlayed his experiences as a Rolling Stone journalist most, ehm, famously … into his Golden Globe-winning Almost Famous (2000). That film told of the hard living and partying of a touring band (a composite of the supergroups Crowe had covered as a reporter). But as the director told the HFPA, the transgressions of the guys on stage often paled next to the lifestyle of the people working behind the scenes. Luke Wilson and Carla Gugino explain their roles and Crowe tells us why the series is a companion piece to the earlier film.