82nd Annual Golden Globes® LIVE COVERAGE.

Simon Popek

Born in 1970, Simon Popek has been connected with cinema since early 1990’s. He graduated from the University of Ljubljana in 1999 (cultural studies, art history) and began writing on film in 1992, first for Radio Student, later for Delo (daily), Kinotečnik (the Cinematheque monthly bulletin) and Ekran, the bi-monthly film magazine. He became chief editor of Ekran in 1996, and resigned in 2006. He served as president of the Slovene film critic’s association 1997 through 2006 and 2000 to 2007: he was employed in the film acquisition’s department of TV Slovenia. 2007. He was Cankarjev dom as film’s programming manager, which includes managing of The Ljubljana International Film Festival and Documentary Film Festival. He is the author (“Kubrick,” 2006) or co-author (“On Documentary film,” 1999; and film and architecture, 2000) of several books on film.