The cast (left) of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2, the last of the blockbuster movies based on Stephanie Meyers popular Twilight books, took time off from meeting fans at the Comi-Con convention in San Diego to recall for HFPA members their mixed feelings about the end of what was a life- changing experience for them all.
Although everyone expressed a kinship with cast mates that they felt would endure beyond the filming itself, Robert Pattinson (Edward), lamented, “Although every single one of them is like my oldest friend in America, we can’t really hang out with the whole Twilight cast because it looks like you’re trying to do an event.”
They were all relieved to escape the continuous cold and rain of the location filming . “At the end we were shooting nights for weeks and weeks, and we all just ran away,” said Pattinson.
Breaking Dawn—Part 2 will be released on November 16.
Apart from the stars who were there to promote their movies, there were plenty of sights to be seen at this year’s Comi-Con as teams of people in franchise and bizarre costumes trolled the streets (left). A third of the crowd comes to be seen, another third comes to photograph the circus and use the opportunity to promote their product, and the final third are hardcore fans hoping for an up-close and personal with their favorite star. Police presence is upped, especially after the death of a Twilight fan, 53 year old Gisela Gagliardi, while crossing an intersection. Police cars seemed to be on every block, and security personnel stood out from the throngs . –Margaret Gardiner