82nd Annual Golden Globes® LIVE COVERAGE.
  • HFPA



HFPA members sampled a taste of Highland hospitality in between interviews and movie screenings during a recent trip to the U.K.

After seeing Prometheus and interviewing the main cast in London, members flew to Edinburgh for a screening of Pixar’s new animated movie Brave followed by  a cellidh—-a traditional Scottish celebration featuring a pipe band, demonstrations of swordfighting, archery and falconry, at which birdman Adrian showed his training skills with owls, falcons and a bald eagle (pictured with a falcon).

Afterwards journalists from around the world attended a banquet at which most had their first taste of haggis and MacAdam whiskey while hearing songs from Brave performed by Scottish singer Julie Fowlis.


The trip included a rail journey to the Highland village of Dunkeld where some journalists visited the 160-year-old Dewars distillery while others toured the Loch of the Lowes nature preserve.