- Golden Globe Awards
Eight Decades of Golden Globes Part 7: The 00s
What is so exciting today in American cinema is that everything seems possible, all the barriers have been broken, rules don’t or rarely apply anymore. Yes, in 2002, Halle Berry and Denzel Washington made their mark in Hollywood history, like Sidney Poitier had done before them to make black actors as preeminent as others. 3. And a woman as beautiful as ex-model South African Charlize Theron could be transformed into a Monster (in 2004) and get a Golden Globe.
The most glamorous stars are taken more seriously. Who would have thought that the nice Dr. Ross from E.R. would become one of the most desirable movie stars and reluctant sex-symbol but brilliant director? Today’s Cary Grant, George Clooney personifies class and humor. Eight Globe nominations – including Best Director and Best Screenplay in 2006 for his directorial debut, Good Night and Good Luck – and two wins: Best Supporting Actor in 2006 for Syriana, Best Actor in 2001 for O Brother Where Art Though?.

Ex-rebel bad boy Sean Penn now graciously accepts his statuettes like the one he received for his turn in the haunting Mystic River in 2004. And acting wise, the new guard is superb. From Matt Damon and Ben Affleck to Javier Bardem, Penelope Cruz,Reese Witherspoon, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Cate Blanchett, Heath Ledger, Maggie Gyllenhaal, actors are intense and constantly surprising. We rejoice to see actresses like Drew Barrymore and Cameron Diaz gained credibility and power. We can’t wait to see where new sex symbol Scarlett Johansson will take us and we are more than willing to follow her anywhere. How not to applaud that Meryl Streep has become one of the most bankable in the business, closely followed by Helen Mirren.
In a way, the quest for a Golden Globe is similar to the quest of that elusive ring that won four Globes in 2004. Norma Desmond was wrong. Movies didn’t get small – they got bigger and became franchises. In 2004, Peter Jackson wins a Best Film and Best Director Globes for The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. Several Harry Potters enchanted us all and with Pirates of the Caribbean, Johnny Depp became a superstar. How not to acknowledge the welcomed longevity of his friend and frequent helmer Tim Burton? New independent filmmakers flourish – Sofia Coppola, Alexander Payne, both recognized by the HFPA.
Starting in 2007, the Golden Globes adds a new distinct category for animated features and Cars gets the first one. Let’s never forget that in Hollywood we are still children at heart. And if there are still a few true independent studios left, it is in television that creativity dares, shines and provokes to become de facto the last refuge for true independence.