3 Nominations

1 Win

Vincente Minnelli

Vincente Minnelli (born Lester Minnelli in Chicago, Illinois, February 28, 1903, died July 25, 1986), married to Judy Garland (1945-1951), father of Liza Minnelli, directed movie musicals like Meet Me in St. Louis (1944) with Judy Garland, An American in Paris (1951) and Brigadoon (1954) with Gene Kelly, The Bandwagon (1953) with Fred Astaire, Gigi (1958) with Leslie Caron. He directed comedies, like Father of the Bride (1950) with Spencer Tracy, Designing Woman (1957) with Lauren Bacall, The Courtship of Eddie’s Father (1963) with Glenn Ford, dramas like Madame Bovary (1949) with Jennifer Jones from the 1856 novel by Gustave Flaubert, The Bad and the Beautiful (1952) and Lust for Life (1956) with Kirk Douglas, Some Came Running (1958) with Shirley MacLaine.

Golden Globe Awards