2022 Earth Month

  • Industry

Jane Fonda, Environmental Activist

From anti-war Hanoi Jane to the Jane of the fitness tape, from feminism to human rights to environmental activism – not to mention her film career – Jane Fonda, strong and healthy as ever at 84, has always been, not only hyperactive but an indefatigable activist. She is still sounding the call to action, still trying to inspire young people – indeed, people in general – to open their eyes to the social injustices and the perils of climate change.
  • Interviews

Tucum – The Power, The Beauty, the Forest

Amanda Santana had no idea that one day she would launch a successful, sustainable, environmentally supportive business that would bring to light the talent and culture of indigenous artists of the Amazon Rainforest.   A makeup artist born in Rio de Janeiro, trained in Los Angeles, and working with Brazilian film and TV projects, Santana met her future business partner, anthropologist Fernando Niemeyer and, in 2010, decided to join him on a visit to one of the Amazon territories, dedicated to the Kraô nation.