2022 LGBTQ+ Month

  • HFPA

Restored by HFPA: “Born in Flames” (1983)

“This unruly, unclassifiable film – perhaps the sole entry in the hybrid genre of radical-lesbian-feminist sci-fi vérité – premiered two years into the Reagan regime, but its fury proves as bracing today as it was back when this country began its inexorable shift to the right,” wrote Melissa Anderson of The Village Voice about Born in Flames in 2016 after the film’s restoration premiered at the Anthology Film Archives. Indie director Lizzie Borden, in her feature film debut, made a radical film that took five years to shoot and cost $40,000.
  • Industry

Michiel Thomas Strives for LGBTQ+ Rights in His Documentary Films

Belgian documentary filmmaker Michiel Thomas (36), born and raised in a tiny cozy village called Neerpelt, is currently touring the international film festival circuit with his new feature documentary Gemmel & Tim. This intimate true crime drama explores the lives and untimely passings of Gemmel Moore and Timothy Dean, two gay Black men who in 2017 and 2019 respectively died from meth overdoses at the home of West Hollywood politico Ed Buck.