82nd Annual Golden Globes® LIVE COVERAGE.


  • Industry

Bollywood: There’s a Change in the Air

When one hears the name Bollywood, what comes to mind, most often than not, are three-hour-long movies with song and dance no matter what the genre, movies driven by star power such as Aamir Khan, Salman Khan, Shah Rukh Khan and Akshay Kumar. These stars will still shine but they seem to be losing a little bit of their luster as is evident from the latest box office figures, all recent films starring the four actors have opened with good box office numbers and then have taken a nosedive.
  • Festivals

Hero Moment-Comic-Con 2017: Jon Bernthal and Deborah Ann Woll, Fighting for Justice

Before stepping inside the Marvel multiverse as, respectively, The Punisher/Frank Castle and Karen Page, Jon Bernthal and Deborah Ann Woll had already seared other illustrious TV characters into our minds: The Walking Dead's Shane and True Blood's Jessica. Now both are front and center in a trio of high-profile Marvel series:  Daredevil, now in its third season, and the new The Punisher and The Defenders.