82nd Annual Golden Globes® LIVE COVERAGE.

David Lepe

David Lepe is a cultural journalist with more than 22 years of experience. He has been art, culture and style writer-editor for newspapers such as Metro Internacional, Prensa Libre, and Siglo 21; the magazines Monitor, Faces, and Mundo&Motor, and the website Terra Networks. He writes the column Rewind Me, published in El Diario de Centro América, a space in which he shares his insights, experiences, and opinions about films and television series. He also has the blog El Aguafiestas, in which he has written short stories and movie/music reviews since 2007. In the podcast area, he is the co-host of “Relatos de la Cultura Pop,” and has been invited to talk about movies in “En el cine no se habla” and “Puente levadizo”.