82nd Annual Golden Globes® LIVE COVERAGE.

Trinidad Barleycorn

The Swiss-Spanish born Trinidad Barleycorn lives in Switzerland, where she works as a freelance journalist specializing in entertainment. She writes for a wide range of media, including Variety, for which she has covered documentary film festival Visions du Réel, Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival (NIFFF) and Italy’s Torino Film Festival. She also conducts interviews with film and music artists for Paris Match Suisse, Le Matin Dimanche and OFF Magazine. She is the editorial manager of the local magazine The Lausanner for the agency Large Network, specialized in journalism and information design, with whom she also collaborates regularly on other publications. With a Master’s degree in arts and speaking five languages, Trinidad Barleycorn previously worked for several years at Le Matin, Switzerland’s former largest French-language daily newspaper. For the last three years there, she was in charge of the Celebrities section, and later of the whole Entertainment section (including cinema, music, television and arts) shared by Le Matin and 20 minutes newspapers and websites.