82nd Annual Golden Globes® LIVE COVERAGE.

2022 Black History Month

  • Fashion

Kevan Hall: Couturier to the Stars Honored by NAACP

Kevan Hall, haute couturier to the stars and former creative director of Halston, enters his salon – a haven of lush fabrics, classic cuts, and luxurious designer pieces above the bustle of Beverly Boulevard in Los Angeles – with an elegant stride. Tall, with the wiry physique of the very fit, the designer is being honored at the 53rd NAACP’s Image Awards 2022, for a creation of another kind: the ‘Black Design Collective’, which champions black designers, giving them a spotlight and amplifying their talent and expertise.
  • Film
  • MLK Day

‘One Potato, Two Potato’ (1964): Larry Peerce’s Seminal Indie Drama of Interracial Marriage

Larry Peerce directed One Potato, Two Potato (1964), a pioneering indie drama about interracial marriage and its devastating effects on all concerned, especially the young white daughter caught up in a messy situation. The film preceded by three years the more famous Guess Who's Coming to Dinner Stanley Kramer’s Golden Globe nominee (and Oscar winner) starred Katharine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy, Sidney Poitier and Katharine Houghton.